Is it safe to do during pregnancy planks

Is it safe to do during pregnancy planks
Is it safe to do during pregnancy planks -
Planks During Pregnancy

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Are pregnant and is expected to continue in some good exercise routines to keep fit? Have you heard of the benefits of the plank exercises, and want to know if you are running boards during pregnancy? You're waiting for some of the dashboard exercises but do not want to know if doing tables during pregnancy safe?

If you said yes to any of these, read our post. Here, we look at plank exercises during pregnancy.

you can make a traditional Plank exercise during your Pregnancy?

Most exercises are slightly modified during pregnancy, to ensure that you and your developing fetus are healthy and safe. If you have tried some of the exercises above the dashboard, you will not find it difficult to adjust to the same during pregnancy. However, if you've done it before or not, you should first talk to your doctor to see if they are safe for you to perform

[Read: Kegel exercises for pregnant women ].

a traditional axis Steps Pose:

  1. In a traditional plank pose, you have to kneel on the ground on all fours.
  1. The wrists should be stacked directly under your shoulders.
  1. The knees should be placed directly under the hips.
  1. The shins and feet must be extended behind you.
  1. Once you are in position, you have to take a step back with the help of your right foot.
  1. Next, you have to do with the left foot and press your toes to the ground by force.
  1. Your neck should be in a neutral position, and you have to keep breathing deeply.
  1. in doing so, you should take the same pose for up to three to five breaths, everything is comfortable.
  1. once through, pause and repeat.

[Leggi: Exercises to avoid during pregnancy ]

How to make a table of Exercise during pregnancy:

When you are pregnant, your body changes in many ways that make it difficult and dangerous for you to do the traditional plank exercise.

Doing an exercise in the traditional plan when you are pregnant can lead to the following dangers:

  • Even if you feel that you are comfortable and flexible, it can cause excessive pressure, which is not good, and you may hurt yourself in the process.
  • You also have the added risk of injuring your elbows or wrists when you extend too much and add more pressure than you think.
  • If you feel too much pressure on the wrists, down on one or both knees. It will reduce the pressure on the shoulders and wrists.
  • You can also extend your legs and press your forearms firmly on the floor.

Remember that as you progress through your pregnancy and your belly stretches, the execution of these changes will also become difficult to

[Read: safe exercises stretching during pregnancy ].

how to use Bonus planks:

during pregnancy, it's a good idea to use props to help in your plank exercises. Here are some ideas you can try:

1. Plank Vertical:

  • Try performing a vertical plank pose by taking the help of a wall or a tree. It will help you strengthen your shoulders, core, and again, making sure that there is not much pressure on these areas.
  • You can stand next to a wall and press the palms of your hands while applying some pressure. Move back through the shoulders. As you do this, relax your shoulders away from your ears.
  • draw the shoulder blades closer to the pelvic region.
  • In doing so, you can keep your core strong and continue to breathe deeply.
  • Try to keep the position for about three to five breaths, making sure you are comfortable. Once done, repeat the procedure

[Read: The benefits of high-intensity exercise during pregnancy ].

2. Side Plank:

  • Doing a side plank will help to strengthen your arms, shoulders and along the sides
  • Go down to four paws, but make sure to place. his right hand just below his right shoulder.
  • Bring your right knee and move with the torso.
  • While in this mode, press your right hand and lift your left hip upward.
  • sure to extend the left leg or keep it parallel to the floor, whatever feels comfortable.

As with any exercise, be sure to talk to your doctor before groped a table exercise during pregnancy.

If you tried tables while you were pregnant, share your experiences and tips with fellow preggers here.

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